When OCYA was created eighteen years ago, members of the organization were college students, and their goal was to introduce outfield activities for Chinese students at the same level. As years passed by, some of our members become university professors, medical doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. Their social experiences enrich our organization to higher levels, while new young members bring in vivid energies. Nowadays, we have more than four hundred members. Here, allow me to briefly introduce our organization.
Lulala was the name that we inherit from our sibling in Taiwan. It is more like a nickname of OCYA. Overseas Chinese Youth Association is our official registred name. OCYA or Lulala. They both represent us.
Our History
The Overseas Chinese Youth Association was started by Yao Chi Chuan and some of his associates in 1980 as an effort to serve the overseas Chinese community here in America. With the experiences gained when he was a member of the China Youth Corps in Taiwan, Yao Chi Chuan organized camping trips to various places. These camps were held with a Chinese atmosphere so that overseas Chinese have places to go where they can feel comfortable.
From it's humble beginning with just a handful of diehard members, the Overseas Chinese Youth Assoc. has grown to an organization 400 members strong. Now, not only do we organize camping trips, we provide community service, hold cultural activities, and various other events that not only serve the Chinese community but also promote Chinese cultures as well.
Our Mission
Our missions are clear and simple:
- Practicing the spirit of "Sacrifying enjoyment. Enjoy sacrifice." All of our members should serve and improve the realization and friendship among overseas Chinese.
- Introducing Chinese Culture to American scoiety.
- Assisting other members on their life and working.
Our members
Anyone who is eighteen years or older, wishes to joint us, and follows our regulation is welcome. The new members receives intensed staff training for one full year on different aspects of activities. At the end of one year evaluation, the Broad of Management decides the qualified candidates and honors with an official uniform. After receiving the uniform, all members shares the same obligation and respondsibilities to our organization. New honored members can continue on higher levels of leadership training.
Our Events
OCYA is an organization that offers many different styles of activities. The most popular events are the outdoor campings, namely the Spring Camp(end of March), Summer Camp(Labor Day weekend), and Winter Camp(during Chrismas days). In addition, many charity activities, such as Visiting Senior Apartment, Evergreen's Day, and Winter Charity Sale, are held regularly once or twice a year. OCYA is an organization which sponsors operas and concerts from famous Taiwanese groups. For example, the opera shows from the Performance Workshop from Taiwan were arranged by OCYA back in 1990, 1991, and 1992. Sports are another type of activities OCYA held. Softball Competition is usually held in May. In the summer, we have a basketball tournament. One can say that OCYA has developed to an multi-cultural organization.
Our Structure
Members with uniforms are the citizen of Lulala. To efficiently manage Lulala, a Board of Management is formed each year in July, and those managers are the members with at least one year of Lulala uniform experience. To be the president of Lulala, three years of uniform experience is the minimum requirement. The president represents OCYA to negociate with outside people. There are two vice presidents and five to seven managers, and the president, vice presidents, and the managers are elected by members with uniform. Under the Board of Management, there are six groups operate all Lulala management. The six groups include Information, Education, Public Relation, Technology, Files, and Finance. Some special purpose groups may be formed upon needs. The R&D(Research and Development) is another special function group under the Broad of Management, and their job is to analyze OCYA's long term development. To lead the events, Project Leaders are assigned to each event. The PL executes the events.