.:Current Events
Thank you all for joining our Blood Drive event.
It was really meaningful~~
However, Red Cross
still announce a serious blood shortage, especially for Type B & O. Please
contact your local Red Cross for detail.
.:Last Event

OCYA Blood Drive at Red Cross, Pomona
It's about time!! Let's do something good for OTHERS, and for US. We all know donating blood will save life; but do you know it's good for our body too??! Find out more detail at the website, and if you have questions, please call Lulala Hotline @ 626-359-0889, our "HOT BLOOD" staff will try their best to assist you.
When: Sunday, July 17, 2005 9AM - 3:PM
Where: Red Cross, 100 Red Cross Circle, Pomona, CA 91768 (right next to CalPoly Pomona)
Cost: ... (interesting field)
To Reserve online, please visit http://www.givelife.org, enter "OCYA" for the code.
For more information please call the Lulala Hotline: 626-359-0889